Secure Accounts resources are designed to be customized. We encourage the community to submit translations of our resources to, and/or to copy, revise, and remix this content for your own purposes.
Please consult the guides below to create your own versions of our comics and interactive quiz.
Secure Accounts comics are designed to be customized. To make this easier, we design the comics without text and then import that image into Google Drawing. These Google Drawing files then have editable text bubble areas in which new text can be added or edited.
Click on one of the below language buttons to customize that version of the Secure Your Accounts comic
Click on one of the below language buttons to customize that version of the 2-step verification in 2 minutes comic
To submit a translation of one or both of these comics to Net Alert for listing on the site, please send a link to your Google Drawing to
You can create your own version of our Who could get access? quiz, customizing the checkboxes, descriptions, images, and levels that the user can reach.
Our account security quiz gets its content from Google Sheets. It's very easy to add and remove security habits and security levels. It can be repurposed for any sort of content. Each checklist item has a value that's set in Google Sheets, and when it's checked off, its value gets added to the user's overall score. Once the overall score passes certain thresholds, the user can "advance" to higher stages (such as, in this case, an greater level of security). Stages can also be customized using Google Sheets.
The Google Sheets approach is inspired by the Knight Foundation's TimelineJS project, and we've re-used some of their customization instructions here.
Build a new Google Spreadsheet using our sheets as a template. Click on one of the below language buttons to start from a copy of that version of the app.
Don't change the column headers, don't remove any columns, and don't leave any blank rows in your spreadsheet.
If you want to host the app yourself, you can generate a static version of the app by clicking the download zip button at the end of this guide.
Under the File menu, select “Publish to the Web.”
In the next window, click the blue "publish" button. When asked, "Are you sure…?" click OK.
Now, copy the URL that appears in the center of the window. You'll use this in the next step.
Copy/paste spreadsheet URL into the box below to generate your quiz. (Make sure you've published the spreadsheet.)
Use this to link directly to your account security quiz.
Copy this embed code and paste it on your site where you want your account security quiz to appear (just like a YouTube video).
Our system will parse the Google Sheet, download the linked images, and save everything in a zip file for you to use on your device without the need for an Internet connection. If you need to make a change to your app you can just edit the spreadsheet and download again.
To submit a translation of this app to Net Alert for listing on the site, please send a link to your Google Spreadsheet to